Indian Govt Job Alert

TN Govt Jobs 2024, Apply Now for Latest Tamil Nadu Jobs, 7083 Vacancies

Latest TN Govt Jobs 2024: Notifications for Tamilnadu Government Jobs are available for both male and female TN residents who hold school certificates (10th, Matric, 12th pass), ITI, diploma, and degrees for different level posts in TN government departments and other government-related institutions/organizations. The government of Tamil Nadu offers job vacancies that are filled by the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) and TNVelaiVaaippu (Employment Exchange). The Tamilnadu state, which has its capital city in Chennai, runs various public sector units, statutory corporations, and cooperative societies.

Job Aspirants searching for TN Jobs in the following keywords: recruitment 2023, TN Government Jobs, TN Gov Jobs, Tamil Nadu Government Jobs 2024-25, Tamil Nadu Job Vacancy 2024, Latest TN Govt Jobs 2024 and Tamil Nadu Recruitment etc.

About TNPSC: The TNPSC commission conducts various examinations of Group 1, Group 2, Group 4, Technical posts and Village Administrative Officers (VAO) vacancies in TN state Various Govt. Departments. Candidates are required to do One-time registration for apply TNPSC Exams.

About TN Velai Vaipu: TN Velai Vaippu is an employment and Training Job registration portal of the Employment and Training Department, Govt. of Tamil Nadu. 8th, 10th, 12th, Graduate and Post Graduate TN Jobseekers are required to register TN Velai Vaippu Official Website.

Central Govt Public Sector Units in TN:

* Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (NLC), Chennai
* Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL), Trichy
* Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL), Gopalapuram, Chennai
* Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (CPCL), Chennai
* Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), Kancheepuram
* National Textile Corporation Limited (NTCL), Coimbatore
* Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd., Chennai
* Ennore Port Ltd., Chennai
* Hindustan Photo Films Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Ootacamund
* Madras Fertilizers Limited, Chennai
* Sethusamudram Corpn. Ltd., Chennai
* Tamil Nadu Trade Promotion Organisation, Chennai
* United India Insurance Company, Chennai
* RailTel Corporation of India Limited, Chennai

Tamil Nadu Government Organizing Industries:

* Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL)
* Tamil Nadu Cement Corporation Limited (TANCEM)
* Tamil Nadu Magnesite Limited (TANMAG)
* Tamil Nadu Industrial Explosives Limited (TEL)
* Tamil Nadu Minerals Limited (TAMIN)
* Tamil Nadu Small Industries Corporation Limited (TANSI)
* Tamil Nadu Co-operative Sugar Federation (TNCSF)
* Tamil Nadu Salt Corporation Limited (TNSC)
* Southern Structurals Limited (SSL)
* Tamil Nadu Paints And Allied Products Limited (TAPAP

TN Govt Banks:

* Tamilnadu State Apex Co-operative Bank (TNSC Bank)
* Tamilnadu Industrial Cooperative Bank Limited (TAICO Bank)
* Tamilnadu Co-operative State Agriculture & Rural Development Bank.


✅ What types of Jobs are available in Tamilnadu Government?

TN Govt offers Group IV, Group II, VAO, Engineer and other Govt department relegated posts/services. Other Govt Jobs in Tamil Nadu: Apprentices, Assistants, Typist, Stenographer, Clerk, Driver, Manager etc.

✅ How to Apply for Tamilnadu Government Jobs in

Tamil Nadu State Government Jobs / Services will be conducted through TNPSC and some departments directly conduct their vacancies. Eligible candidates first check your qualifications based on TN Jobs, then click ‘Company Name’ to visit the IndGovtJobs notification page, Read this notification carefully and finally click Apply Online or download a prescribed application form to apply.

✅ What are the Qualifications for TN Govt Jobs?

Minimum 10th Class / SSLC / Matriculation Pass, 10+2 (12th Class) Pass, Any Degree, Diploma, ITI and Post Graduates are eligible to apply.

✅ What is Age Limit for TN Govt Jobs?

Minimum 18 years old. Maximum Age – No age limit for OBC, SC, ST, PWD and all reserved category candidates. The Maximum age limit is only for General / Unreserved category persons.

✅ Is the TN Govt Jobs page in IndGovtJobs updated?

Yes. IndGovtJobs blog updates the latest Tamil Nadu state Government Jobs and Central Govt / Public Sector Company jobs in Tamil Nadu state. Every week, the IndGovtJobs updates the TN Govt Jobs page.

✅ Can other state candidates Apply for Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs?

Yes. But, Other state candidates should have Knowledge in Tamil. The Tamil language is one of the subjects in Matriculation / 10th class.