Indian Govt Job Alert

TNUSRB Sub Inspector of Police Exam Date 2023 – Check Online Viva-Voce Test Date & List Released

Name of the Post: TNUSRB Sub Inspector of Police 2023 Viva-Voce Test Date & List Released

Post Date: 05-05-2023

Latest Update: 11-12-2023

Total Vacancy: 621+129=750

Brief Information: Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has given a Notification for the recruitment of Sub Inspector of Police (Taluk, AR & TSP) vacancy on Direct Recruitment Basis. Those Candidates who are Interested in the following vacancy and have completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification and apply online.

Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB)

Advt No: 01/2023

Sub Inspector of Police Vacancy 2023

 Examination Fee

  • Examination Fee: Rs. 500/-
  • Departmental candidates pay Examination Fee: Rs. 1000/-
  • Payment Mode: Through Cash/ SBI Payment
Important Dates

  • Date of Notification: 05-05-2023
  • Starting Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 01-06-2023
  • Last Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 30-06-2023
  • Date for Written Exam: 26 & 27-08-2023
  • Date of CV, PMT, ET & PET: 07-11-2023
  • Date of Viva-Voce: From 19-12-2023 (Tentatively)
 Age Limit (as of 01-07-2023)

  • Minimum Age: 20 Years
  • Maximum Age: 30 Years
  • Age Relaxation is Applicable as Per the Rules.

  • Candidates Should Possess Any Degree.
Physical Standards

Physical Measurement Test

Height Measurement:

  • For OC, BC, BC(M), MBC & DNC Candidates: Men- Min 170 cms, Women- 159 cms
  • For SC, SC(A), ST Candidates: Men- Min 167 cms, Women- 157 cms

Chest Measurement (for Men only)

  • Normal: Minimum 81 cms
  • Expansion in full inspiration: Minimum 05 cms (81 cms to 86 cms)
  • Ex-servicemen / Serving persons who are going to retire within one year / Ex-personnel of CAPF: Exempted from Physical Measurement Test
  • All the Physical measurements (Height / Chest) will be rounded off to the nearest 0.5 centimetre, as the case may be.
  • Rounding off of Height and Chest Measurements: All the Physical Measurements (Height/Chest) will be rounded off to the nearest 0.5 cm.

Endurance Test

  • Men: 1500 metres run in 7 minutes or less
  • Women: 400 metres run in 2 minutes 30 seconds or less
  • Ex-servicemen/serving personnel who are going to retire within one year / Ex-personnel of Central Armed Police Forces: 1500 metres run in 8 minutes or less

Physical Efficiency Test

(I) Men candidates:

Events Zero Star
(0 Mark)
One Star
(2 Marks)
Two Stars
(5 Marks)
1. Rope Climbing Less than 5.0
5.0 metres and
more & less
than 6.0
6.0 metres and
2. Long Jump Less than 3.80
3.80 metres
and more &
less than 4.50
4.50 metres
and more
3. High Jump Less than 1.20
1.20 metres
and more &
less than 1.40
1.40 metres
and more
4. 100 mts run More than
15.00 seconds
15.00 seconds
or less & more
than 13.50
13.50 seconds
and less
5. 400 mts run More than
80.00 seconds
80.00 seconds
or less & more
than 70.00
70.00 seconds
and less

(II) Women candidates:

Events Zero Star
(0 Mark)
One Star
(2 Marks)
Two Stars
(5 Marks)
1. Long jump Less than
3.0 metres
3.0 metres and
more & less
than 3.75
3.75 metres and
2. Shot put (4 Kg) Less than
4.25 metres
4.25 metres and
more & less
than 5.50
5.50 metres and
3. Cricket ball
Less than
17 metres
17 metres and
more & less
than 24 metres
24 metres and
4. 100 mts run More than
17.50 seconds
17.50 seconds
and less &
more than
15.50 seconds
15.50 seconds
and less
5. 200 mts run More than
38.00 seconds
38.00 seconds
and less &
more than
33.00 seconds
33.00 seconds
and less
  • For Ex-servicemen / Serving personnel who are going to retire within one year/ Ex-personnel of Central Armed Police Forces Information Refer Notification
 Vacancy Details
 Post Name Total Post
Sub Inspector of Police (TK) 364 + 2(BL)
Sub Inspector of Police (AR) 141 +4(BL)
Sub Inspector of Police (TSP) 110
Station Officer 128+1(BL)