Indian Govt Job Alert

UPPSC Assistant Prosecution Officer 2023 Syllabus & Exam Pattern

UPPSC APO Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern, Exam Date 2023

Detail Information about UPPSC has published notification 2023 for the recruitment of Assistant Prosecution Officer vacancies. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online. In this page we provide the Complete Syllabus of this Recruitment with Latest Update Exam Pattern and the Exam Date also.

UPPSC Assistant Prosecution Officer Syllabus 2023 : Overview

Conducting BodyUttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC)
Post NameAssistant Prosecution Officer (APO)
Total No. Of Posts44
Selection ProcessPrelims, Mains, Interview
Job LocationUttar Pradesh

UPPSC APO Syllabus 2023
General Science : 

1. Indian National Movement
2. Current Events of National and International Importance
3. History of India
4. Indian Polity & Economy
5. World Geography and Population.

General Hindi :

1. Substitution
2. Passage Completion
3. Spotting Errors
4. Transformation
5. Antonyms
6. Joining Sentences
7. Para Completion
8. Error Correction (Underlined Part)
9. Sentence Arrangement
10. Idioms and Phrases
11. Sentence Improvement
12. Active and Passive Voice
13. Synonyms
14. Fill in the blanks
15. Spelling Test
16. Prepositions
17. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
18. Sentence Completion.

Law : 

1. Criminal Procedure Code
2. Indian Penal Code
3. U.P. Police Act And Regulations under this Act
4. Indian Evidence Act.

General Knowledge :

1. Indian Culture
2. Environment
3. Botany
4. Indian Economy
5. Zoology
6. Basic GK
7. Indian Politics
8. Basic Computer
9. Famous Days & Dates
10. Chemistry
11. Indian History
12. Geography
13. Physics
14. Inventions in the World
15. Famous Books & Authors
16. Sports, Indian Parliament..

UPPSC APO Exam Pattern 2023

Prelims Exam

Duration : 120 Minutes

Negative Marking : 0.33

S.NoSubjectNo.of QuestionMarks
1General Knowledge(General Science : 8Current Event of national and international level : 10History of India : 8Indian National Movement : 8Indian politics and economy : 8World Geography  and pollution : 8)5050
(Indian Penal Code : 35Indian Evidence Act : 25Criminal Procedure Code : 25UP Police Act and Regulations under this Act : 15)

Mains Exam (Descriptive Type) : 

Duration : 180 Minutes (Each Paper)

1General Knowledge100
2General Hindi100
3Criminal Law & Procedure100
4Law of Evidence100

UPPSC APO Exam Date 2023 : Notified Soon

Starting Date of Application Form : Notified Soon

Last Date of Application Form : Notified Soon

Total Post : 44